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Moving provinces 7 times, with my dad being a pilot, I developed skills of adaption at a young age. This made it second nature to make peers from all sorts of backgrounds and beliefs, in my grade 10 year when I transferred to an international boarding school, Rothesay Netherwood School. I was even voted to be the grade representative, of the 66 grade 11 student body, the next year. I took part in multiple volunteering jobs throughout the year, competed on the rowing and volleyball team, I was an assistant novice rowing coach in the fall, and landed dancing, chorus and lead roles in musical productions.
It made the intense academics and mandatory extracurriculars more enjoyable, for it was a new challenge, I was never immersed in this type of motivational school before. It continued to feed my skills of adaptation, resilience, and thirst for self development, going from a -C average to a B average.
I sadly, had to repeat grade 11, due to a surgery recovery; I made the choice to transfer to Saint John High School, for they also had the IB course options. Even though this public school did not have the intense environment as RNS, I still carried the skills I developed into my journey at SJHS, and graduating with high honors. I still continued to volunteer any chance I could, I joined the swim and volleyball team, I joined the greenhouse committee, and took part in the musical productions. My favorite achievement at SJHS was I participated in the CO-OP program in my senior year, and I volunteered to give a presentation in front of the whole grade 10 and 11 student body. Talking about my CO-OP experience at the airport, to encourage students to participate in the opportunities CO-OP programs can offer, for them to see how cool aviation is, and for females to not overlook a non-traditional career.


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